Н.Н. Марфенин


Colonial hydroids, corals, pearlworts, ascidia, and some other aqueous species look as numerous interconnected bodies. However, they are not communities, rather they are manifold individuals adapted to capturing food particles from flowing water, which is what makes them looking similar to plants organized to capture the streams of sunlight. The colonial type of organization is believed to emerge as the result of an incomplete vegetative proliferation associated with that young unit bodies stay connected with their mother. Such manifold or modular organisms are less integrated or centralized compared with their solitary (unitary) ancestors. The structure of such decentralized organisms provide opportunities to study the integration of parts into a whole involving no central organizers. Such relationships between a whole and its parts are featured by many natural and social systems but is still poorly studied. The specialized organizing means, such as the nervous and endocrine systems, are but superstructures built upon the more simple way of inner coordination featured by decentralized organisms whose integrity is based on interactions between numerous equipotent parts. Among the decentralized organisms, colonial hydroids are most convenient for studying and thus may serve as paragons of the decentralized biological organization as such. The decentralized organization of colonial hydroid features the following: 1) the multiplication or polymerization of parts; 2) the absence of regulatory organs; 3) a significance degree of the self-sufficiency of parts; 4) a high resistance of the whole to impacts on its part; 5) the plasticity of the shape a broad variation of the size of the whole; 6) ingrowth into the environment; 7) network organization; 8) a cyclic mode of morphogenesis; 9) indeterminacy of age limits. The implications of the results obtained in studying decentralized organisms for super-organismal systems, such as populations, ecosystems, or biosphere, are discussed.


colonial organism; Hydrozoa, modular organization; decentralized system.


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