Т.Д. Шигаева, Ю.М. Поляк, В.А. Кудрявцева


The present review addresses the redox conditions of bottom sediments, soils, natural waters, waste waters, and biological objects, each having its specificities with regard to quantitating its redox potential (Eh). Insights gained from numerous studies provide for better understanding the modes of redox processes in soils and aqueous ecosystems, finer controlling the quality of natural milieus and deeper understanding vital processes in organisms. The redox conditions, as reflected by Eh, of natural entities are altered by anthropogenic impacts. In aqueous ecosystems, this may enhance reductive processes associated with migration of metal-, nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing compounds from bottom sediments into water thus promoting the secondary environmental pollution. The predominance of reduction in soils decreases their fertility and necessitates taking measures aimed at controlling redox conditions in soils. Studies of the redox properties of natural entities are useful for assessing their ecological conditions under long-term anthropogenic impacts and for detecting the most vulnerable zones. Data obtained in studies of redox processes in organisms highlight the relationships between the development of microorganisms and changes in Eh of their environment and suggest possibilities for using Eh measurements in biotechnology and medicine.


redox processes, aqueous ecosystems, bottom sediments, waste water, microorganisms


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