Urbanization-related factors of the incidence of Type I diabetes mellitus

Л.А. Сопрун, И.М. Акулин, В.И. Утехин, А.Н. Гвоздецкий, Л.П. Чурилов


Most people are living now under urbanized conditions.  Air pollutants composition depends on highway network (HN). An important component of HN-derived pollutants is solid dust particles (SDP), which contain aluminum silicates. Among aluminum-containing compounds, many are known as adjuvants, which enhance immune responses, including those to autoantigens. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) is an autoimmune condition. The objective of the present work is to use geoinformation system (GIS) data for examining the medical geography of DM1 incidence in Russia as it relates to factors associated with urbanization. Such approaches were not employed earlier. SD1 incidence rates in 83 regions of Russia in 2008-2017 show that differences in the rates may be as high as more than 20-fold.  The highest rate is in Pskov Oblast (77.31 per 100 000 people), whereas the lowest rate in Dagestan (3.36 per 100 000 people). Significant correlations were found between SD1 incidence on one hand and HN density, air pollutant discharges from stationary sources, and the number of buses per 100 000 population on the other. The effects of the first two factors are multiplicative, and the effect of the third one is additive to them.


highway network, geographic epidemiology, autoimmune conditions, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, urbanization, solid dust particles.


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