И.А. Усатов, В.Н. Бурканов, А.М. Токранов


We studied the Steller's sea lion Eumetopias jubatus feeding ecology based on undigested food items found in feces at the Kozlova Cape rookery, Eastern coast of Kamchatka Peninsula, in summers (2004 through 2008). Atka mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius and walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma were dominant in a sea lion diet hauled out at Kozlova Cape rookery in terms of frequency of occurrence. Less frequently occurred were Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculaeatus, Smelt Osmerus mordax, Sculpins Cottidae, Pacific sandfish Trichodon trichodon, Flatfishes Pleuronectidae, Salmon Oncorhynchus sp., Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, and Squid and Octopus Cephalopoda. The contribution of the other food items was not significant. Diet diversity median during sea lion single foraging trip was two prey items, range being one to nine Atka mackerel and Walleye pollock as the major prey objects. Most of sea lion food items were referred to species featuring a marked seasonal presence near the shore or on the shelf. Sea lions feed near the rookery close to the shore on seasonal food aggregations common to the area. Seasonal prey aggregations can be extremely important for breeding animals due to increasing the efficiency of food search and capture, which in turn can affect the reproductive success of animals and their survival. In this regard, the stability of the food resource near Kozlova Cape Rookery may influence sea lion population status there.


Steller sea lion, diet components, seasonal food aggregations, food resources


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