В.С. Лукаревский


In this article, I provide an analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of various methods for reintroducing and releasing of large felids into the wild. I also analyze the long-distance dispersal of several large cats (leopards, tigers, and snow leopards) beyond their previously inhabited territory. It appears that most of these long-distance translocations are performed by males. Thus, implementation of the leopard restoration program in the Caucasus is faced with an insolvable problem: these animals can disperse over considerable distances and over extensive areas. Moreover, “adaptive enclosures” designed to prevent such translocations have been recommended but remain untested. To address this issue, I propose a new method that takes advantage of the characteristics of the spatial and social structure of these felid populations. Because females are philopatric, it may be expected, when using the method proposed by me here, that a female will remain in the territory where it was “born”, that is, where its mother lives. Given these characteristics, managers should imitate the process of home range establishment as a modified form of soft-release. A young female can independently develop her adjoining territory while periodically returning to the enclosure where her mother is held. As a result, the female will establish her own home range and, in this way, develop a reproductive core of the population.


Key words: home range, rehabilitation, reproductive core, leopard, philopatry


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