С.Н. Коновалов, В.В. Бобкова


The article addresses the issues of the influence of the biological fertilization methods on the agro-ecological indicators of the columnar apple tree. In a long-term field experiment with 4 varieties of such trres cultivated in the Moscow region on developed sod-podzolic soilы, studies were carried out to specify the patterns of the influences of mineral, organic, and organomineral fertilizer systems on soil nitrogen regimen and on the biochemical composition including heavy metals and nitrates content in fruits. It has been found that the organic fertilizers contribute to an increase in the nitrogen content in the soil, mainly in the ammonium form, whereas the mineral fertilizers, in the nitrate form. The influence of the mineral and organic fertilizers on nitrates and heavy metals accumulation and on the biochemical composition of fruits is variety-specific. The highest content of nitrates in fruits is accumulated during the joint application of mineral and organic fertilizers. The results may help to increase soil fertility in industrial gardens and to improve the quality and ensure the environmental safety of gardening products based on using biologized fertilizer methods.


organomineral fertilizer system, quality indicators of the fruit of the columnar apple tree.


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